Alex Honnold On Board with Ando's Fight

 Alex Honnold knows what it means to achieve a goal Getting to the top of the worlds highest and most rugged mountains is what this guy is all about. He also recognizes that climate change is real and it's going to take a real effort from everybody to moderate the effects humans are having on the planet. Read the complete story and find out why he is so passionate about what Ando is promoting .

Business Insider Boasts About Banking with Ando

 To cut to the quick, Business Insider's first point of interest regarding banking with Ando is their effort to fight climate change. "The bottom line: Ando is a solid online banking platform. Its strongest feature is that it uses your deposits to invest in companies that help the environment." Next, this article discusses the other benefits banking with Ando has to offer. Such as zero monthly fees, plus the modern banking app with functionality for today's on-the-go lifestyles. 

Business Insider and Ando

This article nicely outlines the significant features banking with Ando has to offer:

Ando is setting a new standard for flighting climate change. 

Ando is really taking progressive steps, in a real actionable way, to make positive change in our business sector. This forwarding thinking banking model provides everyday people the tools and opportunity to make an impact towards living in a more sustainable world.

Get the FREE app today (plus a $10 download bonus) and become apart of this movement for responsible investing for a "green" tomorrow. Learn more about Ando and how this banking model is working to support sustainable lifestyles.
